Monday, June 16, 2008

Mastering uploading photos... or not

Today, I managed to upload two photos to my blog. See my last post. It took quite a while to work out, but I managed. Unfortunately, I did not manage the correct placement of the photos with the text. It seems uless the images are directly related to what is already added to the blog, I should upload photos first and then add the text?
The two photos I used are in related to the June 8 storm in Newcastle. Now a year ago but still fresh in our memory. These two images show our Chrlestown Library which was damaged by fallen trees. One image shows the dent in the building caused by the tree. The other image shows an empty shelf. Books in this area were water damaged during the storwm. Did you notice that the damaged books were at the 551.5 Dewey number- on floods & storms! How bizarre.

.... Several months later

Well, despite my good intentions it has been too long sonce writing my last post. My excuse..... forgetting my passwords. Now that I have that sorted, hopefully no more excuses!.


I have read Week 2's module on Flickr. I was impressed with Mossman Library's flickr images and really excited to find a great photo of my Library at Swansea Centre. Have a look -

How cool is that.

Next step uploading photos.